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What do you need to get done?

I'm here to help.

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Home: Welcome
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Research & Analysis

As you embark on a new project, you want to understand what has been tried before.  Let me help by gathering research from publications as well as reaching out to entities across the globe to bring you how other programs operate and their lessons learned.  Then, let's contextualize for your community and your organization. Start your initiative a step ahead.

Project Management for Large Projects

Big projects with multiple stakeholders can be hard to manage for many nonprofits. With me as your backbone, we will ensure everything is going to schedule by establishing consistent touchpoints, clearly defining roles and responsibilities, and tracking progress to goals.


Whether it's a strategic planning session or team building day, having an external consultant come to lead the session can help you identify where you want to go as an organization. With my keen emotional intelligence, I can help identify barriers to success and create successful exercises to engage everyone. I can be the objective person in the room to help move your team forward to reach its goals.

Home: Services

Nissy New 

In all of my work, I bring a passion for the sector, deep questions to spur your creativity, and honesty that will refine your plans and actions. I have extensive experience as a funder, facilitator, and implementor.    

My children are the reason I do this work every day; I want to ensure our world is better for them. 

Home: Team
Home: Contact
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